4. og 5. marts 2026 i Odense Congress Center | March 4th & 5th in Odense Congress Center Denmark
en del af VENDOR ApS
Skovstien 3, 8800 Viborg, Danmark.
MYVENDO FAIR er en lukket fagmesse, hvor forhandlere og producenter af alle former for reklame og promotion produkter mødes.
MYVENDO FAIR afholdes i Odense Congress Center i uge 10, hvert år.
MYVENDO FAIR i 2023 er den 7. messe og vi er inde i en rivende udvikling. Første messe i 2017 med 65 udstillere lagde grunden for Danmarks promotionmesse, der nu er vokset til Skandinaviens største promotionmesse, der henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med promotion, firmagaver, profilbeklædning, skilte og tekstiltryk.
MYVENDO FAIR is a promotional fair for suppliers and distributors only. No end users will be invited.
MYVENDO FAIR is taking place in Odense Congress Center every year, usually in week 10.
MYVENDO FAIR 2023 will be the 7th. promotion fair, and we are developing rapidly. The first fair in 2017 with 65 exhibitors made it possible to continue organizing the Danish promotional fair, which has now grown into Scandinavia's biggest promotional fair with exhibitors who are suppliers to everyone who works with promotion, corporate gifts, profile clothing, signs and textile prints.
Her kan du bestille mere materiale fra Myvendo Fair, f.eks standplan, priser eller bede om at blive kontaktet.
Start med at udfylde FIRMANAVN.
Please use this form to require a floor plan, prices or request for contact.
Start with filling in your COMPANY NAME.
MYVENDO FAIR v/ VENDOR aps | SKOVSTIEN 3 DK-8800 VIBORG | TLF/PHONE: +45 2720 0508 | Email: myvendo@myvendo.dk
VENUE: Odense Congress Center | Oerbaekvej 350 | 5220 Odense SO | Denmark