4. og 5. marts 2026 i Odense Congress Center | March 4th & 5th in Odense Congress Center Denmark
See all the nice options in Vendor´s webshop. If you have questions please dont hesitate to call on +45 2720 0508
Furniture rented from Vendor will be confirmed, delivered ind invoiced from Vendor / Myvendo Fair.
Deadline for renting furniture extended to February 20, 2025.
Safety first and therefore OCC provides all technical services, such as wire suspension, extra power, and many other services.
Technical services rented from us are confirmed, delivered and invoiced from Odense Congress Center.
The Technical service shop opens on August 1, 2025.
Deadline for technical services is January 13, 2025.
MYVENDO FAIR v/ VENDOR aps | SKOVSTIEN 3 DK-8800 VIBORG | TLF/PHONE: +45 2720 0508 | Email: myvendo@myvendo.dk
VENUE: Odense Congress Center | Oerbaekvej 350 | 5220 Odense SO | Denmark