4. og 5. marts 2026 i Odense Congress Center | March 4th & 5th in Odense Congress Center Denmark
MEDICAL promotion by GRAMM medical healthcare, Werkstr. 13, DE-71384 Weinstadt
Experience and expertise meet passion:
We represent medical products, first aid products and other useful aids for health and protection in top quality!
Become the rescuer in an emergency and meet us at STAND #3215.
Benefit from over 100 years of experience and the best quality of first aid products from a German manufacturer. We are constantly working to expand our product range and adapt it to the needs of our customers. Which is why we focus on innovation and the greatest possible benefit. We offer close collaboration and extensive services to find a product solution that meets your specific requirements and needs. Throughout the process, we keep your advertising goals and target audience in mind. Rely on MEDICAL promotion for guaranteed compliant and marketable medical promotional products.
Get to know us – we are looking forward to seeing you in March!
MYVENDO FAIR v/ VENDOR aps | SKOVSTIEN 3 DK-8800 VIBORG | TLF/PHONE: +45 2720 0508 | Email: myvendo@myvendo.dk
VENUE: Odense Congress Center | Oerbaekvej 350 | 5220 Odense SO | Denmark