4. og 5. marts 2026 i Odense Congress Center | March 4th & 5th in Odense Congress Center Denmark
Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 23, 33719 Bielefeld, Germany
Bags, bags and more bags.
When you discuss HALFAR®, you are only discussing one thing: strong bags.
Everything revolves around this idea at the "Bag forge" in Bielefeld. For more than 30 years ago, Armin Halfar sat at his sewing machine at home and made his first bag. His idea: to finally create a really functional bag for his work as a paramedic.
Millions of bags and backpacks later, the aim has remained the same to this day.
HALFAR® produces bags to solve technical problems and to fulfil advertising desires.
The customers are as wide-ranging as their requirements.
MYVENDO FAIR v/ VENDOR aps | SKOVSTIEN 3 DK-8800 VIBORG | TLF/PHONE: +45 2720 0508 | Email: myvendo@myvendo.dk
VENUE: Odense Congress Center | Oerbaekvej 350 | 5220 Odense SO | Denmark